Getting Ahead On Christmas

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“When you are behind on life, get ahead on Christmas.” This quote is from Rachel Jankovic – one of my favorite authors and podcasters. She talks about this extensively in her podcast: What Have You. Each time I have heard her say this I want to shout out “AMEN!”

A few years ago I vividly remember the morning of December 26th. I sat with my coffee by the tree and finally exhaled. It was the first time that December that I had a minute to slow down and reflect on the significance of Christ’s birth. The busyness of shopping, baking, and events had so preoccupied me. I didn’t want it to be like that in the future. Norman Rockwell captured the essence of what I didn’t want to feel like in this painting:

Now, I make it my goal to get ahead on Christmas as much as possible! For our family the months of November and December typically involve a birthday party, an anniversary, Thanksgiving, participation in a craft boutique, guests, travelling, attending a ballet, church events, and a massive amount of gift giving (and homemade gifts because we have a budget). All good things – all too much!

Get Ahead on Christmas by Using a Planner

If you are like most people the month of December gets full quickly! It is impossible to plan ahead if you haven’t mapped out the events and activities on some sort of calendar or planner. It isn’t just a matter of keeping track of the dates and times of the Christmas Play and the White Elephant Office exchange. You also need to have a way to keep track of the last day of school so you aren’t scrambling that day to whip up a thoughtful teacher gift!

There are all together too many things in December to simply remember. You need a planner!

Fortunately for you, I have one! It is my gift to you! There is a link at the bottom of this article!

Shop for Christmas Gifts and Wrap Them Early

I despise staying up late to get all the gifts wrapped the night before Christmas. I don’t’ want to be wrapping or shopping at that point – I want to be drinking egg nog snuggled up under a cozy blanket by our tree!

It is never too early to get ahead on gifts. As I write this, it is October 9th. I have a plan for about 90% of the gifts we are giving this year. I’ve already purchased many of them and the kids are starting to work on a few of their own handmade gifts. This year, I wanted to be real ahead in part because we have a baby due in November. Also, this year there may be some shipping delays. So, it is a good idea to get ahead even if you aren’t beached-whale-size pregnant!

Included in my FREE PRINTABLE PLANNER is a place to plan out all your gifts! You can print off as many of that page as you need. I provided space to brainstorm gift ideas and check them off when they have been made/purchased and wrapped!

I also have a post with a myriad of frugal gift ideas for everyone. Make sure you are subscribed so that you don’t miss out!

Be Intentional About Meaningful Activities

In our family we want Christmas to be about Jesus and not so much about the gifts. I want to make memories with them that cement the meaning of Jesus’ coming. Everything changed that night when the Light of the World arrived and I want my little girls to know it and feel it with every cell of their little bodies. I want the truth of Christmas to be like a beautiful diamond sitting on a cushion of delicious cookies, joyful music, and cozy smells.

Well, that requires some intentionality! So, each year we plan out family activities that are important to us. We think through which Bible verses and Carols we want to focus on. We plan out Advent readings and think ahead on what foods will most delight.

Along with being intentional about what to include, planning ahead helps us to eliminate things. We want December to be full but not overwhelming. Busy but not distracting.

Did I mention this free planner that I have? There is a place for you to think about your “December Bucket List” as well as place to plan out Advent celebrations. Some of you may read “Advent” and wonder what planet I am from! Stay tuned for a post all about Advent coming soon (no pun indented)! If you haven’t subscribed yet you’ll want to so that you don’t miss out!

Get your Free Christmas Planner!

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    I would love to hear in the comments about your experience with getting ahead on Christmas! Also, sharing is caring! Spread the love (and the free planner) by clicking any of the social media share buttons!

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    1. Great idea for a blog post, Ruth! My husband and I were just talking about how we need to get a head start on shopping this year, especially since there are so many shortages of things! Really nice website, too! I’ll definitely follow. 🙂

      1. Thank you for your kind words Teresa! Yes, the supply chain issues are a big factor this year for sure! We have our 4th baby due at the beginning of November and I am so hoping to have everything at least purchased by then.

    2. I always mean to get ahead early, but there’s usually a bit of a scramble towards the end. I better get planning!

    3. This is such a great post! We all want to enjoy the holidays but too many of us end up being more frazzled and stressed than anything else.

    4. Great post! I’v always tried to get ready early in the year. One time I started my shopping in July but this year has proven to be more difficult since I’m really trying to be intentional about what we gift.

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