About Ruth

i am a Christian, wife, mother of 4 daughters, and I am passionate about capturing every inch of my home for Jesus!

Mothering is one of the greatest callings we can have – to shape minds and hearts of eternal beings is a weighty duty made delightful by grace. I have been blessed with 4 daughters. Right now my oldest is 7 and my youngest is a 5 month old. My husband and I strive to make our home joyful and intentionally focused on eternity. We want every square inch of our home to be all about King Jesus.

This blog started with my husband’s encouragement. Whether we like it or not, homemaking has eternal significance. I hope to encourage and inspire other moms to have intentional homes filled with grace and joy.

Before becoming a mother I was a teacher. I taught in a variety of elementary school settings and finished off my career as a special education teacher. I learned a lot and loved my students.

I also enjoy creating – anything. I also garden, read, and serve at my local church.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you stay a while and find something to inspire you here. Go ahead and subscribe – I promise I won’t clog up your inbox. I am too busy chasing my toddler for that!